Dylann 5 days old

Dylann 5 days old

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Never a dull moment

 Dylann and I planned to snuggle all day since we haven't been able to do that yet :).  At 11 I got a call from the nurse at Gilettes regarding some labs we did over a week ago. She said we needed to go downtown to children's right away to repeat the labs as her "sodium was a bit high". I tried to get more information on what this meant but all she would tell me is it needed to be done today in case she needed "immediate intervention".  She also told me to wait at children's fir the results. So we rushed down. True to form in how our providers have been communicating for the last 5 months.... No one seemed to know what they were supposed to test for when we got there. Dylann and I waited an hour and a half while the nurses at children's and gilettes went back and forth about the order. Wierd to me that this "urgency" was preceded by an 8 day wait from when the labs were taken until they even called us then a few hour wait to even know what was being tested for. Hmmm?? When they figured it out, it then took two techs, 3 pokes, and one very very upset Dylann to get the blood. After 2 more hours waiting for gilettes to call me, the children's tech sees I'm still here and tells me she faxed the results an hour ago. I call gilettes, they can't find them, the new nurse on is confused why anyone told me to wait in the first place, and that the other nurse who called me this morning is now gone for the day. After several back and forth calls happily all her labs are normal. I have to say though that this is my 4th encounter with gilettes and each one has been disorganized, rushed, and frustrating. I keep hearing how great they are; so far I'm not impressed.

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