Dylann 5 days old

Dylann 5 days old

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Going back to Philly....

Things have been busy this week! Dylann has been so excited to practice her walking behind her walking toys with our help. SHe is so motivated the last few weeks! We got great news that the Tim Orth Foundation is going to help cover our costs to travel to Philly this Fall which is so awersome! That takes one major weight off our shoulders! Its amazing. We got the call today.. dates are set. We go to Philly October 9th to the 13th to do a few casts. Then we go back November 12th to November 23rd to get a few more casts and her hip surgery on November 18th. So Miss Dylann will spend her second birthday in Philadelphia getting casted :). Poor Dylann. Ill try to take her somewhere fun that night. When I got that call, it was a mix of feeling calm that I now have a plan but then anxious because now it is more real. I filed my FMLA claim so I can be gone from work on and off those three months. Its going to be busy and hard but I feel much better knowing that this MD is the one who is going to do her surgery. Now, just to tell our MD here that... We have spent this whole week outside of work getting Micah ready for Kindergarten and finalizing all the Dylanns Dash stuff. Hope to see everyone there!